
Math Curriculum: My Math

Counting and Cardinality

Know number names and the count sequence

Count to tell the number of objects

Compare numbers

Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and
understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from

Numbers and Operations in Base Ten

Work with numbers 11–19 to gain foundations for place value

Measurement and Data

Describe and compare measurable attributes

Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category


Identify and describe shapes (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles,
hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders and spheres)

Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes

Reading Curriculum: Into Reading

Foundational Reading Skills

Phonics and Word Recognition

Phonological Awareness

Irregular Words




Concepts of Print

Speaking and Listening

Comprehension and Collaboration

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas


Conventions of Standard English

Knowledge of Language

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Interactive Read-alouds

Key Ideas and Details

Craft and Structure

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Writing Curriculum: Into Reading 

Foundational Writing Skills

Text Type and Purpose

Production and Distribution of Writing (Narrative, Opinion, Informational)

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

Handwriting Curriculum: Zaner-Bloser Handwriting

Basic Strokes

Practice the component lines that are used to form all the alphabet letters and numerals

Writing Letters

Use a model of each letter and rigorous practice for tracing and writing

Writing Numerals

Use a model of each number and rigorous practice for tracing and writing

Writing Words and Sentences

Write numerals, words, sentences, notes, invitations, and weather reports

Social Studies Curriculum: Learning and Working Together

Good Citizens

Learn about the ways people learn and work together, and how citizens cooperate with each other

Learn about rules and laws and why we need them

Gain an understanding of what makes them unique and how they can be good citizens in our school, community, state, and country

Our World

Investigate where we live

Learn about people, places, and things we can find in schools and neighborhoods and how we can take care of our neighborhood

Gain an understanding of how we are part of our state, country, and world

Our Country

Investigate how people celebrate and show pride in America

Learn about important symbols, holidays, places, and people in our country

Gain an understanding of the many different ways we are Americans

Life Long Ago and Today

Investigate life in the past

Learn about what homes, communities, transportation, and our nation were like long ago and identify similarities and differences between then and now

Gain an understanding of how things change over time

All About Work

Investigate why people have jobs

Learn about the work we do at school and the jobs people do in our community and around the world

Compare technology and tools people used long ago with the technology and tools people use today

Gain an understanding of how people work and why work is important

Explore needs and wants and the difference between them

Science Curriculum: Building Blocks of Science

Push, Pull, Go

Explore motion and draw conclusions about force, energy, gravity, and friction

Weather and Sky

Observe weather and explore patterns in weather, dangerous weather, and the Sun as Earth’s main source of light and heat through investigation, discussion, and problem-solving

Living Things and Their Needs

Identify living and nonliving things, their needs, and the ways that living things can change their environment

Religion Curriculum: Blessed Are We

God Creates the World

Discover that all creation is a gift from God, who creates out of a deep and an abiding love

God’s Love Makes Me Who I Am

Realize that our bodies, talents, feelings, and senses are gifts from a loving God

God Gives Us Loving People

Explore how God gives us many people to love – family, friends, teachers, neighbors, and community members

Jesus Comes to Us

Realize that God gives us Jesus, who teaches us to love God, ourselves, and others

Jesus Shares God’s Love

Celebrate God’s love for us and our own love for Jesus

We Follow Jesus

Recognize that God’s love is forever and that we respond to that love by talking to God in prayer